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Do you want to shop second hand in Stockholm but don't know where to go? Let us guide you on a 3 hour tour through the Slow Fashion District. You'll get insider tips, style advise and a glass of bubbly (alcohol free options are available).
We'll meet in the centre of the Slow Fashion District. Details will be shared when your booking is confirmed.
What (does it cost)?
The price for the tour is 425 SEK per person, to be paid in advance to secure your spot. Spots are limited (to 10).
slow fashion district tour
The details
We'll meet up in Södermalm at 14:00 (2PM). The group is guided by the founders of Slow Fashion Hub - the initiators of the Slow Fashion District - mentioned in TIME Magazine as one of 100 "World's Greatest Places 2024".
The District is currently boosting more than 20 second hand, vintage and re-design shops. We will cover at least 5 of these and leave you with personal tips on where else to go - both within the District and throughout the rest of Stockholm.
There will be Y2K-fashion, current trends, true vintage and inventive re-design.
Mid through the tour we will make a stop for refreshments - a glass of bubbly and snacks (alcohol free options will be available).
I loved the tour - I especially enjoyed the styling advise and the tour guide's excellent eye for things that I might have not seen if it wasn't for her bringing it to my attention. A fun afternoon!